curriculum vitae / links



Not So Much About Me


  1. Bullet   Toronto School of Art - drawing and watercolour courses

  2. BulletToronto School of Art - I have been studying oil painting under the instruction of Toronto artist, Martha Eleen, from 2009 to the present

  Group Shows

  1. Bullet    Open House, Toronto School of Art (TSA), Dec 10-12, 2009

  2. Bullet    Open House, TSA, April 14-17, 2010

  3. Bullet    Square Foot Show, AWOL Gallery, Toronto, Aug 21-Sept 5, 2010

  4. Bullet    Open House, TSA, Dec 16-18, 2010

  5. Bullet    Deck the Halls, The Arts Department, Lindsay ON, December 2010


  1. BulletTo capture the bison on the walls of my cave. The proto-imaging of prehistoric cave artists (at the Altamira, Lascaux, and Chauvet sites--to name the ones I’ve looked at more closely in books or film) points to a phenomena, a recognition of shadow slipping between the world of what is there and what is not there. Seeing into that darkness and drawing on that light, they made “rock art.”


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Art Links

  1. The links below connect to the websites of artists whose work keeps me coming back for more.

  1. Bullet    Martha Eleen, artist, Toronto School of Art - faculty

         CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet    John Brown, Toronto artist

         CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet    Amanda Hill, oil painter; Lindsay, Ontario

          CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet    Toronto School of Art

         CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet  Howard Podeswa, Toronto painter

          CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet  Frank Auerbach, German artist (b. 1931)

          CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet  Michael Gerry, Toronto artist, Central Technical School - faculty

          CLICK HERE

  1. Bullet     Holly Farrell, Toronto artist

          CLICK HERE